Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Algorithms, Complexity, and Quantum Many-Body Physics

Presented by Cunlu Zhou

In this talk, I will discuss a few results about algorithms, complexity, and quantum many-body physics. The first one is about the so-called Hamiltonian Variational Ansatz, used in Variational Quantum Algorithms for approximating the ground states of condensed matter physics models. The second one is about a Quantum Phase Estimation algorithm based on compressed sensing, which achieves the Heisenberg limit and is suitable for early fault-tolerant quantum computers. Lastly, I will present an SU(2) symmetric semidefinite programming (SDP) hierarchy for the Quantum MaxCut problem, which connects the Heisenberg model in condensed matter physics with optimization algorithms and fundamental computational complexity questions such as the so-called Quantum PCP Conjecture. The talk is going to be rather high level, and no special background in quantum computation or theoretical computer science is assumed.

3:30 pm, Thursday, March 7, 2024

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